AMHS Inc. Member Loyalty Program

Earn a FREE Membership Renewal for 1 year when you nominate 4 newly ‘paid-up’ ordinary Members.

Generate extra Members, that is, newly ‘paid-up’ ordinary Members (greater than 4) in the specified period and receive a $10 credit for each new ordinary AMHS Inc Membership. This credit can be used on any AMHS Inc transaction and will be recorded against your Membership record.
This may result from the sale/transfer of foals/horses during the specified twelve month period. When providing your new foal/horse owners with their registration papers just include a Membership Application with the Origin of Membership box completed with your Name and Membership Number.


  • The Members Loyalty Program will run for a 12-month period from July 1 to June 30 each year. 
  • Members MUST print their name and AMHS Inc Membership Number in the Origin of Membership box, located at the bottom right hand corner of the Membership Application Form, in order for AMHS Inc staff to ascertain the nominees. 
  • To qualify for a FREE Membership renewal Members must nominate 4 newly “paid-up” ordinary Members within the specified 12 month period.
A certificate will be issued to Members, indicating a FREE 12 month Membership renewal, which is recorded against their record. Members should attach this certificate to their Membership renewal invoice and return to the office for processing. 
$10 credits can be earned by Members for each newly ‘paid-up’ ordinary Membership, only after the initial 4 newly ‘paid-up’ ordinary Memberships within the specified 12 month period. These credits may be carried forward to be available at such time as needed and will be recorded against Members’ records. Certificate/s will be issued to Members and can be used only by the bearers. These certificates should be attached to AMHS Inc transactions and returned to the office to be redeemed.