The benefits of being a member of AMHS
Members Welcome Pack
An Elite AMHS Inc. Member Pack. All Members receive a Members Welcome Pack when they join AMHS Inc. This Member Pack contains their official AMHS Inc. Membership Card, and Promotional Merchandise . The Member Pack will arrive at your door in a professionally printed AMHS Inc. Presentation Folder.
No Additional Insurance Fee
Access to the most Elite Miniature Horse shows in Australia without having to pay a “day insurance fee” that Non-Members will have to pay. Being a Member with AMHS Inc. also entitles you to a more streamlined show entry process eg. not having to photocopy Registration Certificates to send in with show entries each time you wish to enter a show.
Permanent Height Recording Cards
AMHS Inc Members are entitled to a Permanent Height Recording Card for all mature horses aged 5yrs and over that are registered with us and meet all height requirements.
FREE Hi Points Entry
All Members are automatically entered in AMHS Inc. National Hi Points. The Hi Points program is FREE for all our Members and there are no forms for you to fill out. AMHS Inc will automatically collate and tally all Members points from their show results.
MEASURE your own horses
Members are allowed to measure their own horses for Registration purposes.
ONLINE Show Entries
Members will be able to access online show entries which will remove the need to post entry forms. Members will also be able to pay online .
Member Loyalty Program
We believe in rewarding our Members and offer a loyalty program where you can earn a FREE Membership Renewal PLUS a credit towards any transactions with AMHS Inc. Click here to learn more!
Complete Stud Transfer - Reduced Rate
For those Members with large Studs the thought of registering your entire stud can be daunting, but not with AMHS as we are here to help make the transition as easy and affordable as posible so you can have all your horses registered with the one Society. Save time and money by having all your horses registered with AMHS Inc. Please make sure you contact us when joining our Society: to find out more details about how easy this process is to do and to request a once off bulk rate price to register your entire stud with AMHS.