Australian Miniature Pony Registry


Australian Miniature Pony (AMPR)-

Standard of Perfection 


To be measured from the highest point of the wither from their 1st August birth date 


MINIATURE PONIES (any age) - Must measure 87cms or under

APPENDIX PONIES (any age) - Are over 87cm and not exceeding 91.5cm in height.

The pony must stand naturally with head held in a natural position and all four hoofs standing squarely on the ground (not stretched).

Head: Comparatively small; head well in proportion to the rest of the body; profile straight or slightly concave (dished) below eyes; comparatively small muzzle, round expressive eyes set well apart, comparatively short distance between eye and muzzle.

Teeth: An even bite is necessary with no more than 3mm out. Overshot or parrot mouth is a disqualification. 

Ears: Small to Medium Size. 

Neck: Lightly crested on mares and moderately crested on stallions. The length of the neck will be proportional to the body. 

Body: Should have well sprung ribs, a generous girth, a slight natural curve in the back and a strong well rounded rump; the whole body shall present a picture of balance and shall be in proportion for the height. The body should not be coarse or overlong. 

Legs: Straight, true and squarely set, straight sound flat bone, strong forearm, short cannon bone, strong sloping pasterns. 

Gait: Should be smooth showing free flexion of the joints without exaggeration.  Colour: Any colour or marking pattern, and any eye colour, is equally acceptable. The coat should be lustrous and silky.  Temperament: Good temperament is of the utmost importance – curious, alert, intelligent and friendly. Poor or vicious temperament is considered a fault. 

Disqualifications: Any pony may be refused registration or disqualified from registration for any of the following:   
a) Not meeting the necessary height requirements;  
b) Dwarfism;  
c) Overshot mouth (3mm maximum allowable);  
d) Undershot or parrot mouth (3mm maximum allowable);  
e) Monorchids or cryptorchids in stallions;  
f) Lock stifle, congenital cataract, nasal disease, navicular disease, or malformation of the genitals;  
g) Any other determinable genetic fault.