Australian Miniature Horse Society




To be measured from the last hair of the mane from their 1st August birth date 

Height For Age

Miniature Horse Height For Age Requirements (AMHS)

WEANLINGS - Horses up to and not including 12 months of age shall not exceed 30” in height 
YEARLINGS - Horses 12 months up to and not including 24 months of age shall not exceed 32” in height 
TWO YEAR OLDS - Horses 24 months up to and not including 36 months of age shall not exceed 33” in height 
MATURE HORSES - Horses 36 months and over shall not exceed 34” in height


Small Horse Height For Age Requirements (AMHS)

WEANLINGS - Horses up to and not including 12 months of age shall not exceed 34” in height  
YEARLINGS - Horses 12 months up to and not including 24 months of age shall not exceed 36” in height  
TWO YEAR OLDS - Horses 24 months up to and not including 36 months of age shall not exceed 37” in height 
MATURE HORSES - Horses 36 months and over shall not exceed 38” in height  


Standard of Perfection 

Size: The Australian Miniature Horse must measure not more than 34 inches at the base of the last hair of the mane for a Miniature Horse and not more than 38 inches at the base of the last hair of the mane for a Small Horse. 

Head: In proportion to length of neck and body.

Broad forehead with large prominent eyes set wide apart. Comparatively short distance between eyes and muzzle. Profile straight or slightly concave below the eyes. Large nostrils. Clean, refined.  Teeth: An even bite is necessary with no more than 3mm out. Overshot or parrot mouth is a disqualification.

Ears: Medium in size. Pointed. Carried alertly with tips curving slightly inward.

Throat-Latch: Clean and well defined allowing ample flexion at the poll.  Neck: Flexible, lengthy, in proportion to body and type and blending smoothly into the withers. 

Shoulder: Long, sloping and well angulated, allowing a free-swinging stride and alert head/neck carriage. Well-muscled forearm. 

Body: Well muscled with ample bone and substance. Balanced and well proportioned.  Short back and loins in relation to length of underline. Smooth and generally level top-line.  Deep girth and flank. Trim barrel.  Hindquarters: Long, well-muscled hip, thigh and gaskin. Highest point of croup to be same height as withers, Tail set neither excessively high or low, but smoothly rounding off rump. 

Legs: Lengthy and slender in proportion to the rest of the body. Set straight and parallel when viewed from front or back. Straight, true and squarely set, when viewed from the side with hooves pointing directly ahead. Pasterns sloping about 45 degrees and blending smoothly, with no change of angle from the hooves to the ground. Hooves to be round and compact. Trimmed as short as practicable for an unshod horse. 

Gait: Smooth, fluid gait in motion. Naturally free moving. 

Colour: Any colour or marking pattern, and any eye colour, is equally acceptable. The coat should be lustrous and silky.  Temperament: Good temperament is of the utmost importance – curious, alert, intelligent and friendly. Poor or vicious temperament is considered a fault. 

Disqualifications: Any horse may be refused registration or disqualified from registration for any of the following:  
a) Not meeting the necessary height requirements;  
b) Dwarfism;  
c) Overshot mouth (3mm maximum allowable);  
d) Undershot or parrot mouth (3mm maximum allowable);  
e) Monorchids or cryptorchids in stallions;  
f) Lock stifle, congenital cataract, navicular disease, or malformation of the  genitals;  
g) Any other determinable genetic fault.